Haven’t had much time over the last few days; I was busy with the All City Swim Meet. Here are some fresh decodes:
August 1st
NOAA 18 remains illusive. My setup seems to be incapable of receiving anything useful from it, ever.NOAA 19, on the other hand, remains excellent. This was in the evening, and the sun appears to be very overpowering.Early morning with NOAA 19. The sun is rising!Same pass as above. Notice that the other sensor doesn’t rely on visible light, and therefore works at night.
August 3rd
NOAA 18 via the CanadianThis is absolutely insane. It’s like NOAA 18 hates me. I managed to capture the SOF / EOF part of the signal, but nothing from the actual sensor. This is also way darker than normal static. Since this was taken from the Raspberry Pi, it seems unlikely that “volume” was changed, and the gain is always fixed regardless.NOAA 19 is still amazing, as usual.NOAA 19, approx. 10 hours after the previous image via an Airspy server hosted in Cleveland.One of my best NOAA 19 receives. WXtoIMG has no idea what pass this is, so the land and everything is 100% legit.Weather filter on same pass as previous.General combo of both channels directly from the Raspberry Pi.I rarely find this filter to be useful or interesting, but this time it is pretty compelling.
So, lots of cool images. It’s sad to see NOAA 15 go. I’m working on ways to more easily receive Meteor satellite recordings with my own equipment, since my only laptop runs Linux (and pretty unreliably at that).